LOVE BIBLE Series 1: Life Contract (Vol. 1 Second Edition)

This is a love advice book and one of the relationship books that explains depression through numerous love lessons that the author has personally experienced.

If we feel needy of this world, then we owe the world something.
If we feel needy of someone, then we owe this person something. Being Needy shows what we owe the outside because it keeps draining energy from us not what the outside owes us. Mankind is often confused between the two.

Book Reviews:

@essentialwave YOUTUBE

hello, I found your books and read the North Node series, currently reading Love Bible Thank you so much for changing my life.

Top Scribd reviews on the Love Bible Series 1: Life Contract

Ameli Bey™

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



Changed My Life.

Highly Recommend if you were intuitively guided

Top Reviews on Chris Wei Chen's Other Books


Highly recommend. I have read three of her books and they are perfectly reflective of all individuals. Not sure how she does it. Amazingly gifted writer and sage.

Forgacs Adrienn

Very insightful. The information is more engraved in my consciousness if I read sth abstract than concrete. Best to read with Interview With the Vampire music on YouTube. I really love the poems, a little bit scary because it feels like I read my own thoughts about my current situation.

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